How to restore backups in putty?

2 years 4 weeks ago #8 by Vide Noir
As title says, i wish there was some sort of help about that.

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1 year 11 months ago #9 by Marisa Giancarla
My backup scripts create 2 files: one of the java/game code, and one of the mysql data. It keeps the last 5 of these each. To restore I recommend turning off respawn in cmc and reset the mud process. The do "cd ~" togo to your home root. Then see what backups you have by using "ls -l ~/backups".
To restore just the java files do:
  1. mv CoffeeMud CoffeeMud-keep
  2. tar xvzf ~/backups/<file you want to restore>
After that wait a minute or two and your mud should be back up.

To restore the mysql it is similar. But differs if you have the backupninja script (older installs) or the new version. If you don't know what version you haveĀ  see what the sql backup files are named. If they are like "coffeemud.sql-1" in the main backup directory you have the new version.If you have a subdirectory for the mysql you have the older backupninja version. Here are the steps for that:
  1. mysql -p
  2. <enter your mysql account password> - if you don't know what this is just ask me.
  3. drop database coffeemud;
  4. create database coffeemud;
  5. use coffeemud;
  6. source <the mysql file you want to restore>
  7. quit;
Once you did those steps go back into cmc and turn respawn back on and it should start in a minute or so...

The old method is similarĀ  but the sql files were compressed. Would prefer to migrate you to the new method so contact me to migrate your server or ask me how to update it yourself... Make sure you put the ";" at the end of the lines as I have them above.

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1 year 11 months ago #10 by Marisa Giancarla

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